Friday, April 11, 2008

Okay, I'll admit it, I have spring fever. And I can not wait to shoot our first spring wedding! So in honor of my excitement, I give you the "Hottest Trends for Spring '08 Weddings"

1. Green is hot!
Like we didn't see this one coming. The Feds Studio is green friendly, but the hottest trend for '08 is to have a "green" wedding. Couples are more concerned about our earth more than ever. Everything from recycled invitations to organic cake and anything in between that helps out mother earth.

2. It's all in the waist!
Dresses that accent the waist are all the rave. Not only does it make just about any bride look thinner (little fashion tip) but also adding a splash of color makes the look complete. Belts and sashes are it!

3. Dress to impress!
Or should I say letterpress. High-end and quality invitations are a must. Letterpress is the most luxury you can get on a piece of paper. It sets the tone for your wedding and gives your guests the first taste of what is your wedding.

4. Yellow, Yellow, Kiss A Fellow!
Ha! My mom was way before her times on this one. Yellow for a wedding color is super chic and fun. Various shades of yellow can be used depending on the time of day your wedding is being held. Accents of vibrant florals finish the look!

5. Silver Wedding Bells!
Wedding Belles aka brides. Ok, if you are so daring as to wear a silver wedding dress, first calls us, I would love to cover that wedding. You go girl! Second, if you are not so adventureos, but love the idea, add silver to your dress, tables, shoes, veil, anything that you want to shimmer. Silver is the new gold!

Charge up your wedding atmosphere with crazy bold colors. Try Fuschia and blue ;) or orange, purple and green. If you want to have a fun and party like a rockstar kind of wedding, set the stage for your guest with poppong color on your girls coming down the aisle. Hey, that white gown will really be like "WHOA" against hot pink bridesmaid!

I just want to thank Nina Callaway from About.com for keeping us all updated on the newest trends in weddings!

Ma Wedding Photographer